
VF category: Type V secretion system (T5SS) (Autotransporter) (total 532 related VFs in database, current show from 11 to 20)
VF Bacteria Brief description
(Factor adherence E. coli)
(E. coli O45:K1:H7 str. S88)
Homology to Invasin and Intimin, belongs to inverse autotransporter family. Binding to epithelial cells and collagen I, II, V, VI. Aggregation. Kidney and bladder colonization. ...
(E. coli O157:H7 str. EDL933)
94-kDa outer-membrane protein encoded in the LEE. N-terminus of intimin anchors the protein in the EHEC outer membrane and exhibits little sequence variation. C-terminal end of intimin extends from the EHEC surface, binds to Tir, and exhibits extreme sequence variation that may be involved in tissue tropism. To date, sequence variations of the C-terminus have been proposed to define at least nine intmin subtypes represented by the Greek letters α through . The structure of the C-terminal end of intimin, alone (PDB code: 1F00)and in complex with Tir (PDB code: 1F02), has been determined. This region of intimin is composed of three tandem Ig-like domains followed by a C-type lectin-like domain that contains the Tir binding site. ...
(E. coli O127:H6 str. E2348/69)
94-kDa outer-membrane protein encoded in the LEE. N-terminus of intimin anchors the protein in the EPEC outer membrane and exhibits little sequence variation. C-terminal end of intimin extends from the EPEC surface, binds to Tir, and exhibits extreme sequence variation that may be involved in tissue tropism. To date, sequence variations of the C-terminus have been proposed to define at least nine intmin subtypes represented by the Greek letters α through . The structure of the C-terminal end of intimin, alone (PDB code: 1F00)and in complex with Tir (PDB code: 1F02), has been determined. This region of intimin is composed of three tandem Ig-like domains followed by a C-type lectin-like domain that contains the Tir binding site. ...
(Plasmid-encoded enterotoxin)
(E. coli O44:H18 042)
Belongs to SPATEs subfamily. Encoded on the large virulence plasmid in close proximity to the gene encoding the AAF. ...
(E. coli CFT073)
Homologous to the Pic protein identified in Shigella flexneri and enteroaggregative E. coli. ...
(E. coli O44:H18 042)
Pic and ShET1 are encoded by the same chromosomal locus on opposite strands. Protease, mucinase. ...
(Secreted autotransporter toxin)
(E. coli CFT073)
Belongs to SPATE (serine protease autotransporters to Enterobacteriaceae) proteins (eight known SPATE proteins: Sat of UPEC, Pet of EAEC, EspC of EPEC, Pic of EAEC and Shigella, SigA of Shigella, SepA of Shigella, Tsh of avian E. coli, and EspP of EHEC). Reside within PAI II of E. coli CFT073. ...
(Temperature sensitive hemagglutinin)
(E. coli O25b:H4-ST131)
The first known SPATE, Tsh, was identified as a temperature-sensitive protein that displayed hemagglutination of chicken red blood cells and cleavage of hemoglobin. Recently, Tsh has been shown to be associated with lethal avian pathogenic E. col (APEC) isolates and to contribute to the development of lesions and fibrin deposition in the air sacs of chickens. Often located on the ColV virulence plasmid in avian pathogenic E. coli strains. ...
IgA1 protease
(N. meningitidis MC58)
Autotransporter. Interferes with the barrier functions of mucosal IgA antibodies by cleaving secretory IgA1 in the hinge region. Phagosomal escape. ...
(P. aeruginosa PA7)
All exlBA+ strains characterized until now lack the T3SS locus. C-terminal region of ExlA is important for the toxic activity. ...

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