
VF category: Type IV secretion system (T4SS) (total 163 related VFs in database, current show from 31 to 40)
VF Bacteria Brief description
Rvh T4SS secreted effectors
(A. phagocytophilum str. Dog2)
T4SS effectors. ...
Trw type IV secretion system
(B. quintana str. Toulouse)
The Trw system of Bartonella, probably acquired from horizontal gene transfer, shares an extensive homology with the Trw system of the Trw conjugation machinery of the broad-host-range antibiotic-resistance plasmid R388. The trw genes of Bartonella are collinear with the respective genes of plasmid R388, except for the presence of multiple tandem gene duplications of trwL and trwJIH in Bartonella. The trwL (the homologue of the pilin virB2) and trwJ (the homologues of the minor pilus-associated component virB5) sequences are highly variable within the same Bartonella species, as well as between different species. But the various copies of trwH and trwI are almost identical. A remarkable difference between Trw systems of plasmid R388 and of Bartonella is the lack of the T4CP-encoding trwB gene in Bartonella. ...
Trw type IV secretion system
(B. tribocorum CIP 105476)
The Trw system of Bartonella, probably acquired from horizontal gene transfer, shares an extensive homology with the Trw system of the Trw conjugation machinery of the broad-host-range antibiotic-resistance plasmid R388. The trw genes of Bartonella are collinear with the respective genes of plasmid R388, except for the presence of multiple tandem gene duplications of trwL and trwJIH in Bartonella. The trwL (the homologue of the pilin virB2) and trwJ (the homologues of the minor pilus-associated component virB5) sequences are highly variable within the same Bartonella species, as well as between different species. But the various copies of trwH and trwI are almost identical. A remarkable difference between Trw systems of plasmid R388 and of Bartonella is the lack of the T4CP-encoding trwB gene in Bartonella. ...
VirB/VirD4 type IV secretion system
(B. quintana str. Toulouse)
The VirB/VirD4 T4SS is well conserved within the genus Bartonella, although it is absent in B. bacilliformis. Its closest relative is a genuine conjugation system, the AvhB/TraG system of the cryptic plasmid pATC58 of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The Bartonella VirB/VirD4 system is encoded by an operon of 10 genes (virB2-virB11). Seven Bartonella-translocated effector proteins (BepA-BepG) and the coupling protein VirD4 are encoded within 22 kb downstream of the virB operon. The entire virB/virD4/bep region probably constitutes a pathogenicity island. ...
VirB/VirD4 type IV secretion system
(B. tribocorum CIP 105476)
The VirB/VirD4 T4SS is well conserved within the genus Bartonella, although it is absent in B. bacilliformis. Its closest relative is a genuine conjugation system, the AvhB/TraG system of the cryptic plasmid pATC58 of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The Bartonella VirB/VirD4 system is encoded by an operon of 10 genes (virB2-virB11). Seven Bartonella-translocated effector proteins (BepA-BepG) and the coupling protein VirD4 are encoded within 22 kb downstream of the virB operon. The entire virB/virD4/bep region probably constitutes a pathogenicity island. ...
(TIR domain-containing protein)
(B. abortus bv. 1 str. 9-941)
Translocated by Brucella into host cells. May be substrates of the VirB T4SS. Contains Toll-interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain. ...
(TIR domain-containing protein)
(B. melitensis ATCC 23457)
Translocated by Brucella into host cells. May be substrates of the VirB T4SS. Contains Toll-interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain. ...
(TIR domain-containing protein)
(B. melitensis biovar Abortus 2308)
Translocated by Brucella into host cells. May be substrates of the VirB T4SS. Contains Toll-interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain. ...
(TIR domain-containing protein)
(B. ovis ATCC 25840)
Translocated by Brucella into host cells. May be substrates of the VirB T4SS. Contains Toll-interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain. ...
(TIR domain-containing protein)
(B. suis ATCC 23445)
Translocated by Brucella into host cells. May be substrates of the VirB T4SS. Contains Toll-interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain. ...

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