
VF category: Fimbrial adhesin (total 641 related VFs in database, current show from 1 to 10)
VF Bacteria Brief description
(Type IV pili)
(A. baumannii ACICU)
Essential for twitching motility and natural competence, and contribute to host cell adherence. ...
Flp type IV pili
(A. hydrophila ML09-119)
Peritrichous. Resembles the Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans Flp pilus. Contributes to biofilm formation and autoagglutination. ...
MSHA type IV pili
(Mannose-sensitive haemagglutinin type IV pili)
(A. hydrophila ML09-119)
Homology to the mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin pilus of Vibrio cholerae. MSHA bundle-forming pilus is the major filamentous appendage responsible for tissue adherence and colonisation. Essential for biofilm formation. ...
Tap type IV pili
(A. hydrophila ML09-119)
Polar. Similar to the P. aeruginosa Pil system. Constitutively expressed. The role of the Tap pilus remains to be elucidated, its biogenesis has strong implications in virulence in other ways. TapD, a prepilin peptidase is not only required for the processing of the prepilins before they are incorporated into the pilus filament but also for the processing of the pseudopilins of the T2SS, that are essential for the secretion of many virulence factors. ...
Type I pili
(A. hydrophila ML09-119)
Short-rigid pili. Chaperone-usher pathway assembled pili. Involved in the initial stages of colonisation. ...
(B. pertussis Tohama I)
The major subunits form the two predominant Bordetella fimbrial serotypes: Fim2 and Fim3. fimX is expressed only at very low levels. fimN, the fourth fimbrial locus is identified in B. bronchiseptica. The fim genes are subject to fimbrial phase variation by a mechanism involved in slipped-stand mispairing within a stretch of cytosine residues located between the -10 and -35 elements of the fim2, fim3, fimX and fimN promoters. FimD is the minor fimbrial subunit for all fimbrial serotypes. It forms the tip adhesin. ...
Type IV pili
(B. pseudomallei K96243)
Type IVa pili. Plays a role in adherence. ...
Ebp pili
(Endocarditis- and biofilm-associated pilus)
(E. faecalis V583)
Ebp pili comprise one to three structural subunits. One major pilin, EbpC forms the fiber backbone. The remaining minor or ancillary structural subunits, EbpA at the tip and EbpB at the base of an EbpC polymer. ...
(Bundle-forming Pili)
(E. coli O127:H6 str. E2348/69)
The bfp gene cluster is encoded on EAF(EPEC adherence factor)plasmid. EAF plasmid also contains the per locus (plasmid-encoded regulator), the products of which regulate the bfp operon and most of the genes in the LEE by the LEE-encoded regulator (Ler). ...
Curli fibers
(E. coli O25b:H4-ST131)
Many commensal E. coli strains and the commonly studied lab strains express curli at temperatures of <30°C. In contrast, pathogenic E. coli strains like UPECs, EAECs including the 2012 German outbreak strain and S. Typhimurium, have been shown to express curli at 37°C. ...

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