
VF category: Motility (total 190 related VFs in database, current show from 41 to 50)
VF Bacteria Brief description
(B. pseudomallei 1106a)
Polar flagella required for motility and macrophage invasion. ...
(B. pseudomallei 1710b)
Polar flagella required for motility and macrophage invasion. ...
(B. pseudomallei 668)
Polar flagella required for motility and macrophage invasion. ...
(B. thailandensis E264)
Polar flagella required for motility and macrophage invasion. ...
(C. fetus subsp. fetus 82-40)
Two different (approximately 59-kDa) flagellin subunits, FlaA and FlaB are subject to both antigenic variation and phase variation. The expression of FlaA and FlaB is controlled by different transcription factors, namely the alternative sigma28 (FlaA) and sigma54 (FlaB) transcription factors. Post-translationally modified through O-linked glycosylation. The major modification are pseudaminic acid (Pse5Ac7Ac), a nine carbon sugar that is similar to sialic acid, and an acetamidino-substituted pseudaminic acid (PseAm). There are also minor amounts of a dihydroxyproprionyl form (Pse5Pr7Pr) and an O-acetylated form (Pse5Ac7Ac8OAc). The exact role of glycosylation is unknown. The modification appears to be important for flagellar assembly and may be required for recognition by the flagellar secretion/assembly apparatus. ...
(C. jejuni RM1221)
Two different (approximately 59-kDa) flagellin subunits, FlaA and FlaB are subject to both antigenic variation and phase variation. The expression of FlaA and FlaB is controlled by different transcription factors, namely the alternative sigma28 (FlaA) and sigma54 (FlaB) transcription factors. Post-translationally modified through O-linked glycosylation. The major modification are pseudaminic acid (Pse5Ac7Ac), a nine carbon sugar that is similar to sialic acid, and an acetamidino-substituted pseudaminic acid (PseAm). There are also minor amounts of a dihydroxyproprionyl form (Pse5Pr7Pr) and an O-acetylated form (Pse5Ac7Ac8OAc). The exact role of glycosylation is unknown. The modification appears to be important for flagellar assembly and may be required for recognition by the flagellar secretion/assembly apparatus. ...
(C. jejuni subsp. doylei 269.97)
Two different (approximately 59-kDa) flagellin subunits, FlaA and FlaB are subject to both antigenic variation and phase variation. The expression of FlaA and FlaB is controlled by different transcription factors, namely the alternative sigma28 (FlaA) and sigma54 (FlaB) transcription factors. Post-translationally modified through O-linked glycosylation. The major modification are pseudaminic acid (Pse5Ac7Ac), a nine carbon sugar that is similar to sialic acid, and an acetamidino-substituted pseudaminic acid (PseAm). There are also minor amounts of a dihydroxyproprionyl form (Pse5Pr7Pr) and an O-acetylated form (Pse5Ac7Ac8OAc). The exact role of glycosylation is unknown. The modification appears to be important for flagellar assembly and may be required for recognition by the flagellar secretion/assembly apparatus. ...
(C. jejuni subsp. jejuni 81116)
Two different (approximately 59-kDa) flagellin subunits, FlaA and FlaB are subject to both antigenic variation and phase variation. The expression of FlaA and FlaB is controlled by different transcription factors, namely the alternative sigma28 (FlaA) and sigma54 (FlaB) transcription factors. Post-translationally modified through O-linked glycosylation. The major modification are pseudaminic acid (Pse5Ac7Ac), a nine carbon sugar that is similar to sialic acid, and an acetamidino-substituted pseudaminic acid (PseAm). There are also minor amounts of a dihydroxyproprionyl form (Pse5Pr7Pr) and an O-acetylated form (Pse5Ac7Ac8OAc). The exact role of glycosylation is unknown. The modification appears to be important for flagellar assembly and may be required for recognition by the flagellar secretion/assembly apparatus. ...
(C. jejuni subsp. jejuni 81-176)
Two different (approximately 59-kDa) flagellin subunits, FlaA and FlaB are subject to both antigenic variation and phase variation. The expression of FlaA and FlaB is controlled by different transcription factors, namely the alternative sigma28 (FlaA) and sigma54 (FlaB) transcription factors. Post-translationally modified through O-linked glycosylation. The major modification are pseudaminic acid (Pse5Ac7Ac), a nine carbon sugar that is similar to sialic acid, and an acetamidino-substituted pseudaminic acid (PseAm). There are also minor amounts of a dihydroxyproprionyl form (Pse5Pr7Pr) and an O-acetylated form (Pse5Ac7Ac8OAc). The exact role of glycosylation is unknown. The modification appears to be important for flagellar assembly and may be required for recognition by the flagellar secretion/assembly apparatus. ...
(H. acinonychis str. Sheeba)
H. pylori typically produce 4-6 unipolar flagella, which are encased in a membranous sheath and capped by terminal bulbs. ...

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