
VF category: T6SS components (total 170 related VFs in database, current show from 31 to 40)
VF Bacteria Brief description
(B. mallei ATCC 23344)
Burkholderia pseudomallei possessing six copies of T6SSs. Essential for virulence and plays an important role in the intracellular lifestyle of B. pseudomallei. In B. mallei, the T6SS cluster homologous to B. pseudomallei T6SS-1, is important for actin-based motility, multinucleated giant cell formation, intracellular growth in murine macrophages, and virulence in hamsters. ...
(B. mallei NCTC 10229)
Burkholderia pseudomallei possessing six copies of T6SSs. Essential for virulence and plays an important role in the intracellular lifestyle of B. pseudomallei. In B. mallei, the T6SS cluster homologous to B. pseudomallei T6SS-1, is important for actin-based motility, multinucleated giant cell formation, intracellular growth in murine macrophages, and virulence in hamsters. ...
(B. mallei NCTC 10247)
Burkholderia pseudomallei possessing six copies of T6SSs. Essential for virulence and plays an important role in the intracellular lifestyle of B. pseudomallei. In B. mallei, the T6SS cluster homologous to B. pseudomallei T6SS-1, is important for actin-based motility, multinucleated giant cell formation, intracellular growth in murine macrophages, and virulence in hamsters. ...
(B. mallei SAVP1)
Burkholderia pseudomallei possessing six copies of T6SSs. Essential for virulence and plays an important role in the intracellular lifestyle of B. pseudomallei. In B. mallei, the T6SS cluster homologous to B. pseudomallei T6SS-1, is important for actin-based motility, multinucleated giant cell formation, intracellular growth in murine macrophages, and virulence in hamsters. ...
(B. pseudomallei 1106a)
Burkholderia pseudomallei possessing six copies of T6SSs. Essential for virulence and plays an important role in the intracellular lifestyle of B. pseudomallei. In B. mallei, the T6SS cluster homologous to B. pseudomallei T6SS-1, is important for actin-based motility, multinucleated giant cell formation, intracellular growth in murine macrophages, and virulence in hamsters. ...
(B. pseudomallei 1710b)
Burkholderia pseudomallei possessing six copies of T6SSs. Essential for virulence and plays an important role in the intracellular lifestyle of B. pseudomallei. In B. mallei, the T6SS cluster homologous to B. pseudomallei T6SS-1, is important for actin-based motility, multinucleated giant cell formation, intracellular growth in murine macrophages, and virulence in hamsters. ...
(B. pseudomallei 668)
Burkholderia pseudomallei possessing six copies of T6SSs. Essential for virulence and plays an important role in the intracellular lifestyle of B. pseudomallei. In B. mallei, the T6SS cluster homologous to B. pseudomallei T6SS-1, is important for actin-based motility, multinucleated giant cell formation, intracellular growth in murine macrophages, and virulence in hamsters. ...
(B. thailandensis E264)
Burkholderia pseudomallei possessing six copies of T6SSs. Essential for virulence and plays an important role in the intracellular lifestyle of B. pseudomallei. In B. mallei, the T6SS cluster homologous to B. pseudomallei T6SS-1, is important for actin-based motility, multinucleated giant cell formation, intracellular growth in murine macrophages, and virulence in hamsters. ...
(F. novicida U112)
Phylogenetic analysis of T6SSs lead to the classification of the F. tularensis T6SS as a unique subtype T6SSii. Representatives of T6SSi are widespread among Proteobacteria, whereas T6SSiii have so far been identified only in Bacteroidetes. Out of the 13 proteins that define the core of prototypical T6SSs, the FPI lacks obvious homologues for at least 5 of them. A TssM/IcmF family protein (PdpB) lacks the conserved Walker A box required to bind ATP and to provide energy to the secretion process. Francisella VgrG protein is much smaller than prototypical VgrG proteins. The atypical T6SS might be linked to its unique ability to target the eukaryotic phagosomal membrane. ...
(F. philomiragia subsp. philomiragia ATCC 25017)
Phylogenetic analysis of T6SSs lead to the classification of the F. tularensis T6SS as a unique subtype T6SSii. Representatives of T6SSi are widespread among Proteobacteria, whereas T6SSiii have so far been identified only in Bacteroidetes. Out of the 13 proteins that define the core of prototypical T6SSs, the FPI lacks obvious homologues for at least 5 of them. A TssM/IcmF family protein (PdpB) lacks the conserved Walker A box required to bind ATP and to provide energy to the secretion process. Francisella VgrG protein is much smaller than prototypical VgrG proteins. The atypical T6SS might be linked to its unique ability to target the eukaryotic phagosomal membrane. ...

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