
VF category: T3SS components (total 121 related VFs in database, current show from 11 to 20)
VF Bacteria Brief description
(V. parahaemolyticus RIMD 2210633)
Chromosome II encoded. Similar to the Inv-Mxi-Spa secretion system in Salmonella and Shigella. ...
(Type III secretion system)
(Y. pestis CO92)
This is the classical plasmid-encoded Ysc TTSS of Y. pestis. But Y. pestis genome has shown the presence of a second TTSS, which has also been discovered in the most virulence biogroups of Y. enterocolitica. The role of this additional TTSS in virulence has not been addressed yet. ...
(Yersinia secretion apparatus (Ysa))
(Y. enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica 8081)
Ysa system is encoded on the chromosome of highly virulent Y. enterocolitica biovar 1B strains. ...
(A. hydrophila str. AH3)
Similar to the Yersinia T3SS. A needle-like structure, often described as an "injectisome" that can inject effectors directly into the cytoplasm of target cells. Five effectors have been described: AexT, AexU, AopP, AopH and AopO. AexT and AexU are bifunctional toxins that contain a GTPase activating domain, allowing the interruption of host cell-signalling pathways and an ADP-ribosylating domain that can disrupt the host cytoskeleton, leading to the induction of apoptosis. AopP (NF-κB inhibitor), AopH (tyrosine phosphatase) and AopO (serine/threonine kinase), all are able to interrupt host cell signalling pathways and induce toxicity. ...
(Type III secretion system)
(B. bronchiseptica RB50)
B. pertussis has genes that could encode a TTSS, but they seem not to be expressed. B. bronchiseptica and ovine B. parapertussis strains, by contrast, do have a functional TTSS. ...
(Type III secretion system)
(B. parapertussis 12822)
B. pertussis has genes that could encode a TTSS, but they seem not to be expressed. B. bronchiseptica and ovine B. parapertussis strains, by contrast, do have a functional TTSS. ...
Bsa T3SS
(B. mallei ATCC 23344)
Mxi-SpaA like T3SS, shares homology to Salmonella SPI-1 and Shigella T3SSs. Two additional T3SSs are discovered in B. Pseudomallei. T3SS1 is only present in B. pseudomallei and not in Burkholderia mallei or Burkholderia thailandensis, whereas T3SS2 and T3SS3 (Bsa) are present in all three species. T3SS1 and T3SS2 are closely related to the T3SS of the plant pathogens R. solanacearum and Xanthomonas spp. T3SS1 and T3SS2 are required during B. pseudomallei infection of tomato plants but not for infection of hamsters. ...
Bsa T3SS
(B. mallei NCTC 10229)
Mxi-SpaA like T3SS, shares homology to Salmonella SPI-1 and Shigella T3SSs. Two additional T3SSs are discovered in B. Pseudomallei. T3SS1 is only present in B. pseudomallei and not in Burkholderia mallei or Burkholderia thailandensis, whereas T3SS2 and T3SS3 (Bsa) are present in all three species. T3SS1 and T3SS2 are closely related to the T3SS of the plant pathogens R. solanacearum and Xanthomonas spp. T3SS1 and T3SS2 are required during B. pseudomallei infection of tomato plants but not for infection of hamsters. ...
Bsa T3SS
(B. mallei NCTC 10247)
Mxi-SpaA like T3SS, shares homology to Salmonella SPI-1 and Shigella T3SSs. Two additional T3SSs are discovered in B. Pseudomallei. T3SS1 is only present in B. pseudomallei and not in Burkholderia mallei or Burkholderia thailandensis, whereas T3SS2 and T3SS3 (Bsa) are present in all three species. T3SS1 and T3SS2 are closely related to the T3SS of the plant pathogens R. solanacearum and Xanthomonas spp. T3SS1 and T3SS2 are required during B. pseudomallei infection of tomato plants but not for infection of hamsters. ...
Bsa T3SS
(B. pseudomallei 1106a)
Mxi-SpaA like T3SS, shares homology to Salmonella SPI-1 and Shigella T3SSs. Two additional T3SSs are discovered in B. Pseudomallei. T3SS1 is only present in B. pseudomallei and not in Burkholderia mallei or Burkholderia thailandensis, whereas T3SS2 and T3SS3 (Bsa) are present in all three species. T3SS1 and T3SS2 are closely related to the T3SS of the plant pathogens R. solanacearum and Xanthomonas spp. T3SS1 and T3SS2 are required during B. pseudomallei infection of tomato plants but not for infection of hamsters. ...

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