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3. Examples for Using GenomeComp

Chapter Contents
3.1 Two Sequences Comparison (a step-by-step tutorial)
3.2 Three Sequences Comparison


Two Sequences Comparison -- a step-by-step tutorial

In this part we will try to use this program to make a comparison between the two example sequences (both in Genbank format) in the "example" directory along with the program itself. If you still have no idea about how this program work after the previous part of discription, please try to follow the steps in this section. Then you will find that it is very easy to use this program to make a comparison!

Here we use two input sequences, one is Escherichia coli K12 MG1655 section 2 of 400 of the complete genome with the accession number AE000112 and the other is Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933 genome, contig 1 of 3, section 2 of 155 with the accession number AE005178, all from NCBI (Note: this two example sequences are already exist in the "example" directory in the GenomeComp installation path).

The following is some operation steps (all screen shots are token from Microsoft Windows system):

  • Run GenomeComp by double-clicking the program icon or call the path and name of it in command-line.

  • In the configuration window you may find that entries for locating the external programs are blank, which means you might do not have them installed in your system. But just take it easy, because we do not really need them in this example. Also just let the "Project name" entry as default. Click the "Browse..." button that following the "Working directory" entry and specify it to the "example" directory in the GenomeComp installation directory. For example, it might be "C:\Program Files\GenomeComp1.2\example". Make sure this setting is correct because it is very important for the result of this example.

  • Click "OK" button after specified the "Working directory" properly to hide the dialog window and raise the main window.

  • In the main window click the "Browse..." button after the "The 1st sequence:" entry and find the "example" folder in the GenomeComp installation folder and choose "sequence1.gbk" as the first sequence.

  • Also specify the second sequence to the "sequence2.gbk" file in the "example" folder in the same way.

  • Set the yellow color of the "Color representation" in the main window with range from 500 to 4000.

  • Click the "Start" button in the main window to start the comparison.

  • We custom the 1st sequence name to "Ecoli K12" and the 2nd to "Ecoli O157" in the confirm window, and let the other settings as the defaults. Then click the "OK" button in the confirm window.

  • Soon we got a refreshed main window with the right part (the canvas and the message window) look like the below. And we can move the scrolled bar of the canvas to view every part of the comparison.

  • In order to get a global view of this comparison we can drag slider in the "Figure scale" bar to 20.

  • Then the figure in the canvas will be shrunk to half of the origin, and it look like the below, so we can know that these two sequences are very similar and the only difference is that Ecoli K12 has a insertion of IS186 in about 4.8 Kb.

  • Since the text in the canvas will not be shrunk, the title of each sequence usually be covered by others. Hence, one optional way to avoid this matter is to redraw the figure by re-click the 'Start' button. But, a better way might be remove the title text from the canvas by unmarking the 'Title' item from the view menu.

Three Sequences Comparison

Now we use three input sequences, the 1st is Shigella flexneri 2a 301 complete genome newly sequenced by the Chinese National Human Genome Center, Beijing with accession number AE005674, the 2nd is Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933 complete genome with the accession number AE005174 and the reference sequence is Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 complete genome with the accession number U00096.

The main steps are almost as same as the former comparison process, the following are some differences:

  • Set the compare type in the options menu to Three sequences since it is not the default value.

  • Also set the anchor style in the options menu to "Left" for better visualization of the left part of those three inputs.

  • We set the "Figure scale" to 200 to get a more general view about the comparison.

  • We set the "Lower limit" to 1500 in order to filter the multi-copy transposon sequences matches.

  • We set the megablast exception value to 1e-10 to speed the BLAST comparison process in the confirm window.

  • Since the input sequences are very long (4~5Mbp) we have to wait several minutes for GenomeComp to carry out the comparison and represent the results in the canvas.

The following image is a screen shot of this comparison results.


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